
Posts Tagged ‘Spiderman’

I was going to wait until next week to post this, but I’m too excited.  We are tackling Spiderman 3 for God in 3D this coming Sunday.  We are talking about the wrestle between the flesh and the Spirit.  Peter Parker’s biggest enemy in this movie wasn’t Sandman.  It was himself.  Like many of us, he found himself facing the battle within.  “Which suit should I wear?  Should I wear the red one that symbolizes justice or the black one drifts me towards evil, but gives me the thrill of my life?”  The black suit wasn’t just a cool, shiny looking garment.  It was controlled by the evil Venom.  Likewise, Paul said that our flesh has been sold into sin.  When we walk in the flesh, we give sin the room to reign in our lives.  We have two choices.  We can walk in the Spirit who produces life or the flesh, which gives us the thrill of our lives, but ultimately leads to death.

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Avery, one of our attendees and a great graphics artists, designed this Spiderman spoof. Just a reminder that God has called all of us to live heroic lives.

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